4276 has several student and adult mentors that help out our team with meaningful jobs such as business, marketing, building, modeling, and miscellaneous tasks. Here they are!
Lead Mentor – Mr. Zook
The center of it all, our team could not exist without Mr. Zook. Also teaching physics at our high school, Mr. Zook oversees planning, events, ideas, registration, outreach, other mentors, and is our door to the greater FIRST community. He is not only integral to our team, but also resides within our hearts as members of 4276.
Assisting Mentor – Andy
Our team’s Swiss army knife, Andy has expertise in a variety of fields including coding, sensors, building, power tools, and modeling. Often assisting one on one with junior members, Andy helps develop our teams skills in many different facets, and is an integral component of Team 4276. Showing up to almost each and every meeting, our team is more than grateful to have Andy by our side.
Business and Outreach Mentor – Mr. Bulosan
The specialist of our team, Mr. Bulosan keeps our team well-funded with grants and sponsorship. Mr. Bulosan guides our entire business department including the students who run our Instagram, website, and other methods of outreach. As a mentor, Mr. Bulosan also helps finds sponsorship opportunities and finalizes Grant requests, and oversees our Business and Outreach Department.
(to add: Mr. Veer, Mr. Stang?)