About Us

About The Team

We are FIRST Team 4276 from Marina High School in Huntington Beach, a.k.a The Surf City Vikings!  Our team proudly joined the many teams of Orange County in 2011, and we hope to continue our tradition of promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in both our school and our community.  Our mentors work with students to help foster cooperation and teamwork skills, as well as inspire the students to explore possible career paths in engineering, programming, business, and communications.

Though we build a fully-functioning robot every year, many of our members begin with little to no knowledge of engineering or programming.  We spend time in the fall and winter before the build season to train members, both new and old, so that everybody is prepared when the time for building the robot arrives.  We encourage our members to work hard, but we also make sure to keep enthusiasm high, because after all, robotics is fun!

We strive to make the most out of all we do.  As we become more experienced, we continue to add on to our program and its accomplishments.  Our students spread the word about our team, attracting more members and more sponsors each year. We have also been able to acquire more tools and resources through fundraising and donations, including laptops, drills, and a 3-D printer.

Of course, we wouldn’t be where we are without the support of the mentors, parents, and sponsors who so graciously contribute to our team.  Thank you all!